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Monday, June 26, 2006

A friend from Calcutta

My friend Venkataswar Ramaswami from Calcutta will be with us, I hope as much as possible. Rama and myself met in Salzburg 14 years ago and since we are together , here, there, everywhere.
In the meantime he send this for us:


rama said...

Hullo again Lou, I was thinking about your approaching ( )th birthday. Quite an event, which your friends would surely want to celebrate. Are there any plans? Any chance of finally coming to India, and doing so on this occasion?!, bye, rama

. said...

Rama it is an event indeed. It has to be treated in a 'cool' way. Two years ago I was thinking to rent a house in Tosacana, a big one , and to invite there my best friends.
I do not know if I will be able to do it. Most probably it will be in Jerusalem or Bucharest, I'll let you know...